was going through the wreckers today and saw a nice VR speedo cluster, will I be able to plug it in my vn? or otherwise can i VN-VP calais or statesmen cluster instead?
DO NOT plug a VR/VS cluster into a vn/vp....will short the wireing out then yeh have fun fixing it lol. you could however take the speedo and taco, fuel and temp guages out of the vr cluster surround and put it into the vn cluster surroud
I ended up getting level 2 cluster the only problem is when i start the car the right hand blinker light comes on and my park brake is my oil light, lol any ideas??
you either got a vp dash and put it in vn or got a vn dash and put it in vp just change the plastic circuit board over on the back and the 2 bits of plastic with the symbols on over from the old dash i did this with my vp with vn level 2 had to drill the holes for the guages in the plastic circuit board but thats easy too