does ne1 kno when i can get all the parts 2 convert my vp auto engine 2 a manual i need the parts close cause i dnt want 2 b driving 4 aages 2 get them.
try ebay, ring around your local auto wreckers, never commit to buying anything off them tho just try and talk them down by saying 'well i rand so and so and they gave me this price can you give me a better one' it can be a costly job to do so it always pays to have tricks like that up ur sleve
I'd gladly push my holden than drive a bloody ford!
flywheels can be bought from Castlemaine rod shop in Melbourne for all three types of crankshaft and bell housings easiest way is to buy a manual car TO use for parts because you need the pedals from a manual car, tail-shaft yoke, clutch cable and fork . The wiring loom & computer are the same